Off all.
With all.
For all.

Solutions and innovations
in pediatric rehabilitation
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Learn about our solutions:

Training Center

In this center you will find education and training at different levels for parents, family members and professionals. We are prepared to bring practical experience, clinical discussion, building reasoning for a more effective intervention and results.
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Products and Solutions Center

In this center you will find digital information and communication technology (ICT) products, resources and solutions that you can purchase for your clinic, your patient or your child.
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Our mission is to help professionals, individuals and families to gain access to new knowledge to build a better life, making a difference and transforming other people's lives

We carry this task in our DNA, based on four fundamental pillars: Innovation, reference, respect for diversity and inspiration for a sustainable world

Our Brand



We offer courses of excellence where experience will be our focus. Impacting not only your professional career, but also your life, because we only transform people in a plural and inclusive way


We will provide you with the best and most current evidence so that you can adapt and develop more effective interventions


We prioritize support for families and care for the main caregivers. Inclusion, Equity, Belonging and Participation will be our targets in all matters


We will provide you with the tools to design, innovate and adapt intervention implementation strategies in clinical and natural contexts, according to your reality and work system


We will meet the leading specialists in each area of ​​child development, parenting, life cycles, development of new information and assistive technologies, techniques and intervention and management models


We will seek to communicate ideas clearly and elegantly, in the sense of putting ourselves in the other's shoes, taking advantage of the potential of nuclear, family, social and professional ties and relationships that constitute human capital
Professional Career

Vanessa Madaschi

I'm Vanessa Madaschi, Occupational Therapist, graduated from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Master and Doctor in Developmental Disorders from Mackenzie Presbyterian University (UPM), Specialist in Physical Rehabilitation from the Disabled Child Assistance Association (AACD) and Home Care from the University of São Paulo (USP). Training in Sensory Integration at the University of Southern California (USC). Fellowship at the Kennedy Krieger Institute, John Hopkins Hospital. Free international courses in South America, Europe and the United States.

I invite everyone to create good affective memories with respect, care and professional innovation. Be the best of you.
Vanessa Madaschi

Photos of main events


Presentation at Congress (Master's)


Commission on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - ONU


Visiting International Pediatric Rehabilitation Clinics


Presentation at Congresses in the Area


PhD Presentation


International Congress of Early Intervention


Visiting International Pediatric Rehabilitation Clinics

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